Alright, the generation is ready, and the token is ready to go to the blockchain!
Last updated
Alright, the generation is ready, and the token is ready to go to the blockchain!
Last updated
Tokens are free to deploy, just requiring a small amount of gas to cover the transaction. This is only a couple of bucks on Solana.
You can deploy the previous undeployed generations of other users, or make/deploy your very own.
Just hit deploy on a generation, sign the transaction in your wallet, and the token will be ready to trade on the aiis.dev bond curve with its own designated token page.
The bond curve was built to align with the battle tested standard offered by pump.fun, with a few small but very notable improvements.
Unlike pump.fun, aiis.dev uses the new CPMM programs from Raydium, which allows tokens to migrate at exactly 79 SOL with no additional fees attached.
Directly upon migration, the CPMM lock instruction is invoked, locking liquidity permanently and minting an NFT which retains the ability to claim fees from trading volume on the pair.